Meetings and Events

  • NHS Schedule of Events 2025

Janaury and February  - (No meetings)

March 18th, 2025—6:00 p.m. Irish Stew Dinner ($15.single $25.couple)

April 8th, 2025—7: 30 p.m. - Annual Meeting

May 11th, 2025—7:30 p.m.  -  Alan Ackman, Nassagaweya’s Famous Animator

June 2025— Cemetery Visit (To be planned and confirmed)

July and August (No meetings)

September 9th, 2025  - Picnic/BBQ

October 14th, 2025—7:30 p.m. TBD 

November  11th, 2025—7:30 p.m.  History of Nurses during War

December 9th, 2025—6:00 p.m. - Christmas Potluck

Our 2024 Meetings ..... 

March 19th -  Irish Stew Dinner
April 9th - Annual Meeting
May 14th -Presentation - Campbellville Burying Grounds
Time: 7:30 pm 
Location: Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church
3097 15th Sideroad (east of Guelph Line) Haltonville
June -  Visit to 200 Generation Farm
 July and August (No events)
September 10th - Fall event
October 8th - Dave Cook author of Fading Histories
November 12th - Remembering those who fought for us
December 10th - Christmas Potluck
Tuesday October 10th, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Nassagaweya Presbytrian Church
3097 - 15th Sideroad (east of Guelph Line)
All Welcome
Save Heritage in Nassagaweya

The Nasagiweya Historical Society's meeting on Tuesday September 12th held at Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church,  3097 15 Sideroad, (Haltonville) at 7:30 p.m.  will feature a speaker from the Town of Milton.

Anthony Wong, Senior Planner, Policy, will be presenting on how to have a historic house/property designated to prevent it from potential demolition by future owners.  The provincial government has weakened Ontario's heritage legislation, removing protections from many historic buildings.  If you care about preserving heritage in Nassagaweya, please plan on attending.  All are welcome.  Refreshments will be served.

Member's Irish Stew Dinner

Please join us to kick off our 2023 season on
March 21st - 6 pm
Cost: $10.00
Please RSVP by March 14th, 2023

Membership Renewals and New Membership
$20 each $35 per family
accepted at this event

Speaker: Heather McTavish-Taylor
Surprise finding when researching her family history
in Ireland

Location: Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church (Hall)
3097 - 15th Sideroad (Haltonville) Campbellville

During the past year, while the Nasagiweya Historical Society has not been able to hold general meetings due to the Covid-19 pandemic, members of the executive have been working on introducing a new initiative.
As a result, we are pleased to announce the introduction of the NHS Historical Plaque Program. For more information check here

Wednesday November 9th, 2022 -
Annual Meeting/General Meeting 7:30 p.m.
at Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church 3097 15 Sideroad (Haltonville) Campbellville,
east of Guelph Line.